
Kamis, 27 Mei 2010


I have a spreadsheet that I created a while back with both an open and modify password but now want to share it with someone without a password blocking access. How do I turn off the password protection in Microsoft Excel for Mac?

Dave's Answer:
I imagine it'd sound flippant if I just said "you remove password protection from an Excel file the same way you set up the password protection in the first place" so I will resist saying that. Okay? :-)
Seriously, it's a bit weird to remove the password because there's no feedback or indication that it's been removed: all you do is delete the previously entered password when you're doing a 'Save As' save.
The best way, however, is to step through the entire Security section on your document, so let me show you how to do that. The very first step is to open up the Excel spreadsheet in question, then go to Preferences:

You may be surprised if you've never poked around in the Excel preferences, there's a lot you can access:

You can explore later, however. Right now, let's stay on task! Click on "Security", and ...

Now you can set a password for opening or modifying here by simply typing one in. Since I already have a password protecting this document, you can see that they're shown with • symbols to represent each character in the password.
You can remove the password protection by simply deleting the password or passwords here, then click "OK". (as an experiment, I'm going to remove the password but also check "Read-only recommended".
With that changed, a quick File --> Save As... lets me specify a new name for the non-password-protected (but read-only recommended) file:

(Tip: a shortcut to set or delete passwords can be found by clicking on the "Options..." button from this file save dialog window too, if you don't want to fiddle with Preferences)

Now when I open up the spreadsheet instead of seeing a password prompt, I see this:

Pretty cool! I hope you can see from my example how to simply remove a password or, for that matter, add password protection to your spreadsheet next time you save it.

Rabu, 12 Mei 2010

Cara Posting di Blogdetik Lewat E-mail

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Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010

Tulisan Yang Bisa Diheadlinekan di detikcom.

Blogdetik sampai saat ini terus melakukan pengembangan-pengembangan sehingga kebutuhan dblogger bisa dimaksimalkan. Yang terbaru adalah penambahan fasilitas yang memungkinkan postingan dblogger bisa tampil di headline detik.com.

Efek tampil di headline detik.com adalah postingan kalian kemungkian besar dibaca oleh ribuan orang. Karena halaman depan detik.com tiap harinya dibaca oleh 15 juta orang per hari. Memang postingan kalian berada di halaman depan detik.com hanya beberapa menit tapi efeknya sungguh dahsyat.
Kalau kita amati postingannya, tulisan tersebut mempunyai ciri-ciri yang mirip. Diantaranya.
1. Tema tulisan yang up to date ( tidak basi)
Postingan yang mengulas peristiwa yang sedang terjadi tentu lebih menarik dibanding masalah-masalah yang telah dilupakan orang. Kecuali memang tujuannya mengingatkan dan masih relevan sampai saat ini
2. Temanya menyangkut banyak orang
Tema kenaikan harga-harga 9 bahan pokok tentu lebih ingin diketahui pembaca dibanding peristiwa-peristiwa personal semacam sedihnya ketika ditinggal pacar atau cerita ke pasar membeli sandal jepit misalnya.
3. Cara penyampaiannya tidak seperti diari
Boleh saja bermonolog dengan kata ganti orang pertama tunggal, namun akan lebih baik jika ditulis seperti menulis berita.
4. Judulnya seperti judul berita, bukan seperti judul novel atau sinetron
Pakailah judul yang merangsang pembaca. Misalnya 11 Penyebab Para Pejabat Korup. Bukan seperti judul sinetron atau judul lagu: Bayangan, Cinta, Antara dia dan Diriku dan seterusnya
5. Point of View yang beda
Seperti postingan diatas, padi emas menulis tentang presiden SBY dengan sudut pandang yang berbeda yang mungkin belum pernah dipakai penulis lain. Sehingga pembaca akan memperoleh sudut pandang baru mengenai masalah tertentu.
6. Pendek
Penulis keren akan berusaha menyampaikan ide-idenya dengan to the point, langsung dan tak perlu berlarat-larat. Mereka piawai mana kata-kata yang mendukung deskripsinya dan mana yang merupakan "lemak" yang malah membebaninya. Apalagi di media online, kita harus bersaing dengan seribu satu artikel yang mungkin lebih baik. Panjang boleh saja, tapi tetap harus menarik.

Selasa, 04 Mei 2010

How-To: Clone or Copy a VirtualBox Virtual Disk

As a virtual machine environment user, I regularly create 'base' images of machines that I can reuse – a base Windows Server 2003 environment, or SQL Server 2005 environment for example. That way, when I need a new machine, I can simply create a copy of the virtual disk and add any additional software I need, saving myself valuable time creating new virtual environments.

With VMWare's various offerings, copying a virtual disk is easy: copy the disk in Windows Explorer and add it to a newly created VM; VMWare will detect that the disk was a copy and create a new unique identifier (UUID) for the disk before adding it to the VM. Easy and painless. Not so with VirtualBox.
With VirtualBox, copying a virtual disk is a bit of a pain. If you copy the disk in Windows Explorer and try and use it in a new VM, VirtualBox will have a hissy fit and display the error shown below. A bit of a 'wordy' way to say that it already knows about this disk, don't you think?
The publicised way around this is to use the command-line VBoxManage CloneHd tool, however there is another – secret and undocumented – way to clone a disk: the setvdiuuid tool. Lets look at these two methods in detail.

Cloning a Virtual Disk – The 'Supported' Method

Cloning a disk is (IMHO) a clunky and Unix-y type way of creating a duplicate disk. We need to invoke the CloneHd command of the VBoxManage tool, supplying the disk to clone and the name of the new 'cloned' disk. In its simplest form, you would do something like this at the command-line:
VBoxManage clonehd "DiskToClone.vdi" "ClonedDisk.vdi"
The VBoxManage tool will chug away and clone the disk for you, creating a new UUID in the process:
The cloned disk can now be used on a new VM without incurring the 'I already know about this disk' error.

Copying a Disk – The 'Unsupported' Method

The alternative to the CloneHd tool is an undocumented option available in VBoxManage – the setvdiuuid command. As the command help states: 'This is a development tool and shall only be used to analyse problems. It is completely unsupported and will change in incompatible ways without warning'. Because of this, let me add a little disclaimer: I don't accept any responsibility if you completely destroy your VM using this procedure. Having said that, it appears to work without issue, so I'm more than happy to use it myself – just make sure that you take a backup of you virtual disk before using it if necessary.
To use the tool, simply create a copy of the virtual disk's VDI file in Windows Explorer; open the Windows command-line and issue the setvdiuuid command for the newly copied disk:
VBoxManage internalcommands setvdiuuid "CopiedDisk.vdi"
The tool will create a new UUID and assign it to the disk:
The new copied disk can now be used on a new VM without incurring the 'I already know about this disk' error.