
Jumat, 25 November 2011

Membangun Sendiri Jaringan Kamera CCTV Murah Meriah

Membangun Sendiri Jaringan Kamera CCTV Murah Meriah

Pernah ngalamin kemalingan?

Ya, gunakan Kamera CCTV. Tapi masalahnya harganya 1 paket berjut jut. Apakah emng instalasi CCTV harus mahal? SALAH BESAR, dengan memanfaatkan PC dan webcam kita bisa membangun sendiri jaringan CCTV di rumah, kosan, ato kantor sekalipun.
Caranya ternyata sangat simple dan dapat dilakukan dengan barang2 yang udah familiar di kehidupan kita.
Lebih lanjut, monggo ikutin langkah berikut.
Hal pertama adalah siapkan bahan2nya terlebih dahulu.
1. PC ato laptop, gw saranin PC karena ni PC harus idup 24 jam.
2. Webcam, ato kamera lainnya yg bisa dikonekin ke PC/Laptop.
Lebih gw saranin pilih kamera yg resolusinya gak bagus2 amat, max 1.3MP.
Kenapa? Karena kita bakal ngerekam video melalui kamera ini, makin gede resolusi, makin gede ukuran file yg dibentuk.
3. Software untuk me-manage webcam di PC.
Disini gw gunakan software free bernama Webcam7.
Software ini bisa digunain utk me-mange 7 kamera sekaligus. Ingin lebih?Upgrade ke versi berbayar.
Fitur yg disuguhin antara lain =
- Capture gambar
- Record video dg tambahan fitur scheduling
- Sebagai server utk streaming video dari webcam yg kita punya.
Software nya udah gw sediain di blog ini. Link ada di akhir artikel.
Instalasi :
Masuk ke tahap selanjutnya.
1. Instalasi webcam di PC
- Install driver webcam di PC
- Koneksikan PC dan Webcam
Prosesnya gampang kq, kayaknya cukup ya, gak perlu dibahas lebih lanjut.
2. Instalasi software Webcam7
- Tinggal download dari link dibawah, trus next2 aja sampai terakhir finish.
- Buka Aplikasi dari Start > Program > Webcam 7 > Webcam 7.exe
- Pilih mode “Free”
- Nongolnya kayak gini
ujuhbixr Membangun Sendiri Jaringan Kamera CCTV Murah Meriah
Klik kanan pada layar yg ditengah > trus pilih PCI/USB > pilih PC Camera-168
Ntar tampilannya bakal kayak gini
(Lakukan hal yang sama untuk kamera2 berikutnya)
Nah disinilah pusat tata surya nya alias control panel software ini.
Huruf A = adalah utk nambahin keterangan di gambar, semisal Text, Tanggal, Jam, CPU Usage, Memory Usage, dan Brp user yg lagi konek ke kamera ini.
Capture = untuk ngambil gambar, berformat JPEG
Record = untuk ngerekam video, bisa rekam sekaligus streaming ttp jalan lho.
Lainnya utak atik sendiri ya.. Simple kq
Lanjut ke Tab berikutnya yaitu Web/Broadcast
Disini bakal ditampilin IP berapa aja yang lagi konek ke Webcam kita, yg perlu diperhatiin adalah pastiin Internal Web Server is Running, kl mati tinggal klik enable.
Kl kita mau gambar upload video realtime kita ke webhosting juga dari sini tempatnya.
Langkah Terakhir adalah set agar Aplikasi ini Run Otomatis ketika Windows nyala.
Caranya :
Pastikan Start With Windows dan Start Minimized dalam kondisi ter-centang.
3. Cek Apakah sudah berhasil?
Caranya buka web browser, lalu masuk ke alamat
Misal gw disini
Kl berhasil, bakal muncul web page kayak gini
Nah selesai sudah, kita dah bisa memantau hasil pencitraan seluruh webcam yg kita pasang dari sini.
Di gambar cuma ada 1 gambar karna gw cuma pake 1 kamera waktu pengetesan ini.
4. Integrasikan di web intranet dalam satu jaringan LAN (bila perlu)
Dimaksudkan apabila kita mau nampilin video streaming dari webcam tadi di halaman web yang kita punya.
Tapi web yg gw maksud adalah web internal, yaitu web yg diakses dalam ruang lingkup satu jaringan LAN.
caranya :
Tools > Generate HTML Code.
Next2 in aja, trus muncul kode HTML nya
Tinggal copy seluruh coding HTML ini ke halaman web kamu.
Untuk Web pada Internet gunakan fitur “Upload HTTP / FTP” dari tab “Web/Broadcast“.
5. Posisikan kamera di tempat yang strategis
Biasanya di pojokan. Kl gw? kira2 kek gini.
Gw pake buat ngawasin pintu keluar masuk ruangan kantor gw. Ge pake buat streaming dan proses record di jam kerja.
Ilustrasi Penggunaan :
Digunakan untuk merekan video dengan memanfaatkan fitur recording with scheduler, jadi kita gak perlu repot2 tiap hari jalanin proses recording, tinggal atur jam nya, software ini akan ngelakuinnya secara otomatis.
Arahkan kamera ke tempat2 keluar masuk rumah seperti pintu dan jendela, misalkan ada kemalingan? tinggal jadiin hasil rekaman sbgi barang bukti
Digunakan untuk mengawasi kondisi kantor, para customer atau para pegawainya.
Atau digunakan di rumah untuk mengawasi kegiatan anak2 anda.
Digunakan untuk bikin siaran live dari rumah kita sendiri. dan bisa diakses dari mana aja selama mereka terhubung internet. WOW
bakal muncul JOPIR-TV on internet nih, hehe..
Direct Link >>
Download Driver Webcam i-Tech PC-3808 [Open file dg WinRar utk view password]
Password file : www.kisanak-jopir.co.c*

Sabtu, 17 September 2011

How to configure a BlackBerry smartphone as a Bluetooth IP Modem on a Mac computer

A BlackBerry® smartphone with tethered modem over Bluetooth® capabilities can be used as an external modem to connect a Mac computer to the Internet using a Bluetooth connection. A script is included with the BlackBerry Desktop Software that provides the option to select Research In Motionas a vendor when configuring your BlackBerry smartphone for tethered modem use.
Note: Depending on the BlackBerry smartphone that is connected and the wireless service provider (network type provided by the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) card), the modem script auto-populates the required configuration information when the BlackBerry smartphone user begins the setup of modem capabilities.
To set up an Internet Protocol (IP) modem connection with Bluetooth wireless technology on a Mac computer, complete the following tasks:

Summary of Tasks

  1. Enable Bluetooth services on the BlackBerry smartphone, and configure the BlackBerry smartphone to be discoverable.
  2. Pair the BlackBerry smartphone to the Macintosh computer, and then configure it as a modem.
  3. Configure the BlackBerry smartphone to trust the connection from the computer.
  4. Connect to the Internet.

Task 1 – Enable Bluetooth services on the BlackBerry smartphone, and configure the BlackBerry smartphone to be discoverable.
Complete the following steps:
  1. On the Home screen of the BlackBerry smartphone, click Options > Bluetooth.
  2. Press the Menu key and select Enable Bluetooth.
  3. Press the Menu key and then click Options.
  4. Set the Discoverable field to Yes.
  5. Press the Menu key and click Save.

Task 2 - Pair the BlackBerry smartphone to the Mac computer, and then configure it as a modem.
  1. Open System Preferences on the Mac computer and then select Bluetooth.
  2. Click the + button to open the Bluetooth Setup Assistant.
  3. The Mac computer performs a search of Bluetooth enabled devices within proximity (this might take a few moments). Once the Mac computer has completed the search for Bluetooth enabled devices, highlight the BlackBerry smartphone from the list provided and then click Continue.
  4. A passkey should now appear on the Bluetooth Setup Assistant. At this time, the BlackBerry smartphone displays the following prompt: Enter numeric passkey for <Mac Name>. Type the passkey in the field provided.
    Note: There is a limited amount of time for this step — if necessary, click Continue and then try again.
  5. The Bluetooth Mobile Phone Setup window appears. In the Phone Vendor field, selectResearch In Motion. Information such as the Phone Model, Username, Password, access point name (APN), and card identification (CID) might be required. The values in these fields are prepopulated by the IP modem script included with the BlackBerry Desktop Software. If the BlackBerry Desktop Software is not installed, this information may need to be obtained by contacting the mobile service provider.
  6. Ensure that the Show Modem status in the menu bar and Show Bluetooth status in the menu bar options are selected, and then click Continue.
  7. Click Quit.

Task 3 - Configure the BlackBerry smartphone to trust the connection from the computer
  1. On the Home screen of the BlackBerry smartphone, click Options > Bluetooth.
  2. Under Paired Devices, highlight the connection to the Mac computer, press the Menu key and select Device Properties.
  3. Select Trusted and set to Yes.
  4. Press the Escape key and select Save.

Task 4 – Connect to the Internet
  1. Open System Preferences.
  2. Click Network.
  3. Identify if Bluetooth or Bluetooth DUN is listed in the interface list. Highlight the available Bluetooth interface and select Advanced to complete the modem configuration.
  4. Verify the following information:
    1. Vendor: Research In Motion
    2. Model: BlackBerry IP Modem (GSM) or BlackBerry IP Modem (CDMA) - depending on the network type your BlackBerry smartphone or subscriber identity module (SIM) card is associated with.
    3. APN: internet.com - by default, the internet.com APN is displayed.
  5. Click OK to save the configuration changes.
  6. Click Apply.
  7. Click Connect.
For instructions on configuring the BlackBerry smartphone as a USB tethered modem on a Mac computer, see KB19641.
Note: If the above configurations do not allow for successful connectivity, contact your wireless service provider to verify the required information.
For additional details regarding the specific configurations for each wireless service provider, see theAdditional Information section.


  • BlackBerry® Desktop Software
  • BlackBerry® smartphones
  • Mac OS

CollapseAdditional Information

Specific configurations
Using the preceding steps from the Overview section, a configuration might not have been successfully set up with the Bluetooth modem connection on the Mac computer. Some wireless service providers require different configuration information to be manually entered in order to connect the BlackBerry smartphone as an IP modem.
For example, the following information should be configured specifically for T-Mobile® USA BlackBerry smartphone users:
  • APN: wap.voicestream.com or epc.tmobile.com.
  • Telephone Number: *99#
  • *Account Name: 
  • *Password: 
After this information has been specified, click Connect.
Note: <space> indicates pressing the spacebar in the Account Name or Password fields.
IT policy
Dial-up Networking (DUN) might not be permitted by an IT policy on BlackBerry smartphones that are activated on a BlackBerry Enterprise Server. The option within Bluetooth settings will be unchecked and dimmed as shown in the following screen shot:


Macintosh Users:

PC Users:
To proceed with setting up your smartphone as a tethered modem on a PC, please follow the steps outlined below. The instructions provided apply to the following BlackBerry smartphone models:
  • BlackBerry® 7130
  • BlackBerry® 8703
  • BlackBerry® PearlTM 8130
  • BlackBerry® PearlTM Flip 8230
  • BlackBerry® CurveTM 8330
  • BlackBerry® 8830
  • BlackBerry® CurveTM 9330
  • BlackBerry® TourTM 9630
  • BlackBerry® BoldTM 9650
  • BlackBerry® TorchTM 9850
BlackBerry Tethering Steps