
Selasa, 13 Juli 2010

How to Update Multiple Web Pages Using Server Side Includes

SSI (Server Side Include) is a simple and robust way to include
common content in multiple pages. In a similar way to the client-side JavaScript method, SSI involves having a separate file which contains the content you wish to appear on multiple pages. To update the content, you only need to edit a single file.

  1. Server-side is safer than client-side (it doesn't rely on any
    browser settings).
  2. Updates are very fast and easy.


  1. Slight performance overhead at the server end (every SSI page needs
    to be processed by the server before it is served to the user).
  2. You usually need to use a special extension for web pages, e.g. .shtml.
  3. The server must support Server Side Includes (most Apache servers

Step 1: Create the SSI File

Create a plain text document and name it with a .txt extension, for example navigation.txt. Save
this file in a folder which is accessible from your whole website. You  may want to make a special folder for this type of file, e.g. /includes/.

Into this file, enter the content you want to be displayed on every  page, for example:

<div style='color:blue; font-size:12pt;'>

<a href="page1.shtml">Page 1</a> | <a
href="page2.shtml">Page 2</a> | <a
href="page3.shtml">Page 3</a>


Step 2: Insert the SSI Code into Your Pages

On each page, at the point where you want to the content to appear,  place the following code:

<!--#include virtual="/includes/navigation.txt"

To update the content, simply edit the main SSI file and all pages  will automatically update.


  • In most cases you will need to change the file extension of your web
    pages to.shtml. If this doesn't work, ask
    your provider for help.
  • If you're creating your pages on a home computer, the SSI includes
    will not show up unless you're running a personal web server. You will
    probably need to upload the pages to your website before you see it all
    work properly.

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